Complete the enrollment process
Whether you download the app or call us, we'll walk you through checking your eligibility, gathering the information you need to enroll, and helping you join your first appointment.
Ready to join Boulder as a patient? We're glad you're here.
If you're eligible, the fastest way to get started is to download the Boulder app. The app is free, and there's no commitment. Here's how it works:
Find out if you're eligible:
Using the app is the fastest way to enroll. But if you prefer, you can call 866-901-4860 to enroll over the phone.
Eastern Time
Mon-Fri: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 12pm – 5pm
Pacific Time
Mon-Fri: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 2pm
Whether you download the app or call us, we'll walk you through checking your eligibility, gathering the information you need to enroll, and helping you join your first appointment.
We’ll let you know as soon as we’ve been able to check all your information and you’re ready to enter the queue for a visit. Depending on when you submit your info, it can take less than an hour. (It takes longer if you submit at the end of the day or over a weekend.)
Please keep an eye on your app — you'll get a message in the app that will tell you you're able to join the queue to be seen!
At Boulder Care, we use a team-based approach to care for our patients, meaning you may not see the same Provider or Prescribing Clinician at every visit. Instead, you can join a virtual visit when it's time to renew your prescription — whenever it is convenient for you.
You simply go to the app, and once you are eligible, you’ll see a button to join the queue for the Pop-in Clinic.
For new patients, you'll have two visits. First, you'll meet with a Care Advocate who will take your medical history, answer questions, and get you set up with a pharmacy.
Then, you'll see your Clinician who will assess your needs and give you a prescription if needed. It can take up to 30 minutes for the Clinician to see you so please be prepared to wait and STAY IN THE QUEUE. But don't worry, you will see a Clinician!
We’re ready to get you the care you need ASAP. Find out if you’re eligible:
Check your eligibility